On Thursday, April 20th, I went to the Plant Maintenance, Inspection and Engineering Society Expo held in Pasadena, Texas. This was the first expo where I gained experience in marketing my new business: it was very well received. Thank you to all-

As proud as I am of my new business logo, my business cards were still ‘in the shop’, trying to get over some color issues. So instead of showing up empty-handed, I created a half-page flyer-hope you got one!

I met so many friendly people at the PMIES Expo! The most popular question asked of me that day was: “Who are you with?” My response was: “I’m with myself!” And then we would have a good talk. I hope I made a special impression with all those I had the chance to speak with at that event.

Overall, the day spent at the expo was productive and encouraging.

By the way, a select few people I had the pleasure to meet and speak with told me that their company’s technical writing and editing duties all fell on THEM. Now that the industry appears to be picking up, wouldn’t it be a good time to start considering using a technical writer for your business’ writing needs? We can update the documents you’ve put on the back burner in a fraction of the time it would take someone not possessing expert skills in MS Word.

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