Susan E. Graboski, CPTC

Owner/Graboski Technical Writing Services

Susan E. Graboski, a natural born writer and life-long learner, discovered technical writing appealed to her love of learning and her personal drive for precision and quality craftsmanship of the English language.

The majority of Susan’s professional experience has been in the Oil & Gas Industry, although she also has extensive experience in instructional design and the development of HR documents such as employee handbooks, org charts, and all types of forms and policies. While working in the role of contract Technical Writer for BP, Susan single-handedly developed a new standard template which BP enthusiastically approved and adopted for use on all Simulator Training Hub lesson plans going forward. Susan’s areas of expertise include formatting, usage of the English language, and an eye for detail coupled with a desire for perfection.

Susan is a native New Yorker and joined the United States Navy as an Engineman during the Lebanon Campaign and served for a period of two years onboard the USS Puget Sound AD-38, Flagship for the Admiral in charge of the Sixth Fleet, home ported in Gaeta, Italy. During those two years, Susan earned two Sea Service Deployment ribbons, the Meritorious Unit Commendation ribbon, and the Battle E ribbon. Susan was a member of the Damage Control Party (fire fighters) and was on call 24/7 for refueling duty of the ship’s Captain’s helicopter. The last two years of Susan’s military service were completed at the Norfolk Naval Base where she was assigned as Naval Base Maintenance Shop Supervisor, managing and assigning all maintenance duties to 30 sailors. She also served as the Female Watch Bill Coordinator in charge of assigning watches and supervising 60 female watch standers.

After her military service, but before entering the field of technical writing, Susan raised and home schooled her four lovely daughters and completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Houston Downtown, with emphasis in the areas of Communications, English, Geology, Psychology, and Mathematics.

When the Houston Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) opened the Technical Writer Certification Exam in 2016, Susan tested and earned the title of Certified Professional Technical Communicator (CPTC) through APMG International. Susan is also a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers/Gulf Coast Section and the Association of Proposal Management Professionals.

Susan’s interests include gardening, kayaking, fishing, the written word, designing and creating quilts, the brain, flying kites, and little dogs. She currently owns a pack of two little dogs.


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